What will I get if I do??
Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006 at 10:33 a.m.

It�s another one of those �bleh� days where I get the feeling of �is this all there is??� Which, as I understand, is a pretty universal feeling among those who have the intelligence to realize it yet not the means to do something about it. Well, technically, we all have the means, but not the money, which, let�s face it, makes the world go �round and those wacky dreams become realistic. Wouldn�t I rather be kayaking in the Caribbean right now? Oh, you bet! But we can�t afford neither the plane ticket nor the time off work to do so. Hell, we can�t even really afford the kayak to putter around Tempe Town Lake at the moment, but then, it�s also 110* out there and neither one of us feels like kayaking on a near-boiling lake.

Hubster is also feeling the great �bleh� as well, and his manner of relieving that is to do a house project that involves demolition. Just like a man! However, I like the project he has in mind. He wants to remove part of the wall in my kitchen and install a marine aquarium. This will involve, however, demo-ing part of the kitchen including an existing countertop and removing floor tile, cutting a hole in the wall that we�re pretty sure is not weight bearing, and spending probably a couple grand on lumber, finishing materials, tank, aquaria denizens, and other supplies. So, anyway, see the first paragraph regarding what we can and can�t afford, and then, I just had to bring up a point:

Valkyrie: �Umm . . . I thought we were replacing windows next.�
Hubster: �Well. . . yeah.�
Valkyrie: �That was the reason you gave me for why I can�t get all new flooring yet.�
Hubster: �Well . . . yeah.�
Valkyrie: �Do you see what I�m getting at?�
Hubster: �But doing this would be more fun.�

And there�s the main point. Of course doing the aquarium project would be more fun. Buying replacement, energy-efficient windows that would actually open and save us money on our a/c bills that merely involve us picking them out and writing a huge check to the person who would procure them and install them isn�t anywhere near as fun as causing mass destruction and creating something nifty for us to see as we lumber down the hallway or relax in the den.

Such is the grand part of owning a house.

Furthermore, I do want to make sure that we do get a little getaway for ourselves this summer when the temps get blearing and endless. Is �blearing� even a word? �Blearing�, to me, means when it�s so hot you can�t even compel yourself to move because if you do, you will promote entropy and therefore cause the universe to collapse, and heaven knows I don�t want to be responsible for that.

But this guy is promoting entropy even though he is attempting to use alternative fuels:

Honestly, that can�t be good for the ozone layer. And this doesn�t seem healthy for children and other living things:

Ewww. And speaking of monkey glands:

Oh, gads, do I have to??


before o after

I suppose �odiferous pinecones� doesn�t have a good ring to it - Monday, Oct. 31, 2011
Click below to find out what he called me - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Yeah, he really did call me that - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Click below to go nowhere either fast or slowly; your choice - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010
HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE! - Friday, Mar. 05, 2010

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