You can pick your friend's nose, but it's gotta be a real good friend
Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2005 at 12:05 p.m.

Clever, smart-assed entrepreneurs are always tops in my book:

Heh heh. I will seriously bet that someone out there will take this person up on his/her offer, simply because one can�t underestimate the utter stupidity of people. Especially in packs.

My cold has become pretty much full-fledged as I sit here feeling like my ears are filled with lukewarm mooshoo pork. Eww. I pretty much kept the Hubster up last night with my Nyquil-induced snoring and rasping so I suppose I�ll be banished to the guest room tonight. He did take me out to out local Chinese diner for wonton soup, which was very nice, considering I was in a horrible mood, cold not withstanding, because I had had a rather heated discussion with my �rents regarding my upcoming surgery. It got elevated to the point that Hubster was going to take the phone away from me, give my �rents a piece of his mind, and end the discussion. Just to bring everyone up to date, I will be having a full hysterectomy and ovary removal due to large ovarian masses, uterine lesions, and a host of other long-standing chronic and acute reproductive, digestive, and bowel problems that make me such a freakin� joy to live with. I�m not looking forward to this, especially since I have to have special IVs and other precautions due to my (prescribed) steroid use and my Sarcoidosis, so it�s not like I just decided one day to get a 5 inch long incision in my abdomen and have several bits removed with a 6-week on-average recovery time and forced surgical menopause on a whim. If that was the case, I would�ve done this 15 years ago and saved myself a few thousand dollars on BCPs and other hormones to try to get my raging menstrual cycles under control.

Well, enough of the girly stuff.

Hubster spent some time yesterday playing with all my new stuff (Dustbuster, Scumbuster, etc) and kind of cleaned the shower a bit, so he�s my snuggy-wuggy-buggy-boo at the moment. I would play with his new toys, but playing with the chainsaw sounds too much like yardwork to me so I think I�ll pass. He had to go back to work today but he�ll have next Monday off for New Year�s. I�m just so glad that he�s enjoying his new job although he�s still adjusting to working for a locally-owned company rather than an international conglomerate from the outer circles of Hell (also known as one-third of the DOW). He had a nice group Christmas party and I was even given a gift and everyone got a 2-pound box of See�s chocolates (mmmmm See�s) so I expect to be on a sugar rush from now until the end of January. 2007.

As far as resolutions go, I had made the one to continue to put photos with snarky comments in my diary, which I probably will find to be extremely easy to keep. But I also wanted to add: I must remember my priorities and concentrate on what is truly important, like these guys:

And in another example of proper priorities:

Am I glorifying beer? I will if it�s good beer. Good beer and good friends go together. More precisely, good beer and good friends go together to pull a stunt like this:

It is said: A friend will help you move. A really good friend will help you move a body.


before o after

I suppose �odiferous pinecones� doesn�t have a good ring to it - Monday, Oct. 31, 2011
Click below to find out what he called me - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Yeah, he really did call me that - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Click below to go nowhere either fast or slowly; your choice - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010
HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE! - Friday, Mar. 05, 2010

before o after

The AntiCraft!
A Witty Kitty
Chaos Daily
Erianne�s Insanity
Miss Hiss and Tell
I Miss My Sanity
Kung Fu Kitten
Mom on Roof
Poolagirl�s Tales of the HMS Pie-Rat
PyroGuy, Sr.
The Running Man
SMarieK Knits
Smash the Gas
The Daily WTF
12% BEER (and Monkey Love)
Yeah I�m a Dork

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