Snip Snip Snip
2005-04-18 at 11:15 a.m.

Happy Monday!

I'm here on my own again. So far it's been okay. For whatever reason I've been obsessing with a certain song lyric that I think might be "mighty Aphrodite", but I can't seem to find reference to it. All I get when I google it is that Woody Allen movie. It might be a Captain Beefheart song, but the link that I found referring to it has lyrics that I don't recognize. Damn KCDX. They play without ANY commercials or breaks, and of course they don't announce the songs. I haven't heard "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road" for a while either.

I obsess over such strange things.

I watched "Ron Burgundy" and "The Village" this weekend. Ron Burgundy of course was pure fluff, but that's okay. Will Ferrell though plays the same sort in most of his movies, a rather high-strung easily freaked out type. He's perfect as Darren from "Bewitched". I just wonder if he's going to play more Dick Sargeant or Dick York. Both were prats. Typical late 60's fare, with the man denigrating the woman. Pisses me off.

"The Village" was interesting and had its typical M. Night Shyamalan twist in the middle and the end. I liked the concept of the creation of a Utopia, but the problem does come with the future generations. Not only from the standpoint of keeping up the ruse, but also from the possibility of inbreeding -- there's only so many people there, and how many times can cousins marry before everyone has the same bloodtype? Adrien Brody was good, though. I have to rent "The Pianist". Joaquin Phoenix is well, I don't know. Wooden? I rather liked him in "Quills" though.

It looks like we can get a home equity loan. What's this "we"? GARY is getting the loan. So we'll be paying off all MY credit card debt and the stupid _(*^(* )*&&^&*%$%$!!!!! second mortgage I got on my stupid townhouse which was worth more than the stupid townhouse was worth. God I'm so stupid about money sometimes. Take the credit cards away and give me a freaking allowance. Actually, that's more or less where I am. I ask Gary if I can spend money and let him know what I'm up to. Not that I spend frivolously anymore anyway. The past 5-7 years have been all about trying to pay off that debt and failing miserably. Gary hopefully can keep me in check.

Bleah. I hope this soup I made is fulfilling. I'm hungry today. This morning I was also kind of urpy. I hope I'm not pregnant. I/we don't need that. I should just get Gary fixed.


before o after

I suppose �odiferous pinecones� doesn�t have a good ring to it - Monday, Oct. 31, 2011
Click below to find out what he called me - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Yeah, he really did call me that - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Click below to go nowhere either fast or slowly; your choice - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010
HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE! - Friday, Mar. 05, 2010

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