Just the normal ramblings and a grumble about the President
Thursday, May. 25, 2006 at 8:17 a.m.

Statements you hear only at a Trade Show:

�Did you visit the catering booth? They�re handing out shots of spiced beef.�

�Check out so-and-so�s swag. They�re handing out full-size Hershey Bars!�

�I heard your name called for the money booth. What�d you get?�
�Three bottles of wine, a travel mug, dinner for two, and two dollars!�

�How much you wanna bet that the lunch today is a chicken breast?�
�I�m not gonna bet when I know I�m gonna lose.�

�If so-and-so tops my bid on the silent auction, I�m going to kill her.�

�What? IKEA�s giving away all the furniture in their booth??�

�So-and-so�s booth has no/lousy swag.�
�Well, I�m not going to visit them, then.�

My Tuesday was spent all day with a conference and trade show, and it was a marvelous time. I met some great new people who desperately wanted Mary Kay � stuff because their current consultant was missing/dead/no longer selling. I didn�t go too nuts with the swag because just how many cheap ball-point pens do you need in a house?

Oh, and yes: the lunch was a chicken breast, but with a lovely Italian-like cous-cous-ish side made of pearl pasta, artichoke, gouda cheese, and dried cherries. And the dessert was a flour-less hazelnut chocolate torte, as this was the Women in Business Trade Show and Conference. Smart people, those folks at the Marriott Buttes�.

And the person who won the wine, etc. in the money booth was me. But I didn�t score on the raffles, which meant I went home without the $900 Herman Miller� chair. Nor any IKEA furniture. Boo.

Okay, I�ve given up all pretenses of hiding where this was and where I live and who this Trade Show was for: Tempe Chamber of Commerce, Tempe, Arizona, and I�m the Mary Kay consultant who had a booth and I was the taller woman at the booth. Have you figured out who I am yet?

So anyhoo, that more or less took up a lot of time and energy for me. I told the chamber person in charge that I cannot be officially on the planning committee for this event as I seem to end up in the OR right before the event, 2 years out of 2, so I�ll just be a �silent planner� next year.

But now I�m back at my other job where I sit and write Diaryland entries and be snarky and wait for emails to come in for me to process. Which is lovely.

The Hubster and I watched the finale of Lost last night and I swear that man is rubbing off on me:

Valkyrie: �A super-sized electromagnet?? That wouldn�t bring a plane down without imploding the entire hatch. And I thought a plane didn�t have enough ferrous metal in it to be affected by a magnet.�
Hubster: �It doesn�t. Steel may be strong, but it�s too heavy. The point of an airplane is to be as light as possible. Hence using aluminum and composites.�
Valkyrie: �Well, now this show has lost plausibility with me.�
Hubster: �Since when do you expect this show to be plausible??�
Valkyrie: �Well, it�s more plausible then that 10.5 thing you were watching. That camerawork made The Blair Witch Project look like it was filmed with a Steadicam�.�
Hubster: �By the way, thank you for never making me watch that movie.�
Valkyrie: �I figured it would trigger your motion-sickness. I have enough trouble cleaning up after the cats.�

It�s probably also difficult to keep this place clean:


Of course, there are many services to keep many other things clean and neat:

Because that seems to be the trend now, doesn�t it? Which, okay, to each his or her own.

I just hope buttpicking while on a cell phone in church isn�t where this world is headed. I think, though, the government has another plan for the world:

Oh, yes. Team America, fuck yeah.


before o after

I suppose �odiferous pinecones� doesn�t have a good ring to it - Monday, Oct. 31, 2011
Click below to find out what he called me - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Yeah, he really did call me that - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Click below to go nowhere either fast or slowly; your choice - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010
HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE! - Friday, Mar. 05, 2010

before o after

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I Miss My Sanity
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PyroGuy, Sr.
The Running Man
SMarieK Knits
Smash the Gas
The Daily WTF
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Yeah I�m a Dork

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