It's getting to be tantamount to exercise
Monday, Apr. 17, 2006 at 9:17 a.m.

I am in pain today. I can�t sit, nor stand, nor lie down. The painkillers I have been taking, which should be enough to send a moose into a coma, are doing naught. I have even resorted to buying a couple of those heatpatches and sticking them to a couple of my ow-ee bits, only to now experience hot pain.

What the hell did I do to myself??

Other than thinking that I�m fully healed from major abdominal surgery that occurred only 8 weeks ago so I really did too much ? Yeah, that�s it. I thought I could ride in a car for over 4 hours and spend an 8 hour visit to the ILs.


The Hubster is also sick with another cold-ucky-fluish-thing, so, coupled with the pain, we did not attend Mass Sunday. Meh. We did manage to go to L & R�s house to eat a bit of Easter dinner and watch a movie before we both completely imploded. And being that L & R have a lovely 18-month-old daughter, they have a myriad of kid�s DVDs, so we watched . . .

Chicken Little: I have a love/hate relationship with Disney films. I don�t know what the hell they�re doing over there. Michael �Lucifer� Eisner went on record many time saying how animation is the very foundation of Disney, yet hand-drawn animation has been all but completely ditched in favor of CGI. As a huge fan of all things animated, this makes me sad. On the other hand, I have long been disappointed by so much over-stylized drawing that comes out of Disney animators that completely falls flat. Then with Disney�s first outing with CGI, Chicken Little is flat and cartoonish as well.

But it worked. I was as charmed by Zach Braff�s Chicken Little as I am with his character on Scrubs, which I have only recently started watching. We had a hoot watching the odes and cameos to other movies, and we cheered when that little bitch Foxy Loxy got zapped by the aliens. The movie danced right on that edge of being so perfectly depressing that it exceeded Charlie Brown standards, and thank goodness when it fell on the side of humor and joy rather than pathos. My only real complaint is that this movie was edited by someone with attention deficit disorder. It moved in such quick, small bytes that I think it could have caused someone epilepsy.

And we worry about children�s attention spans.

Of course, now I�m going to change the subject because I don�t have anything more to say about that. What does that say about my attention span?

Man, I�m ready to kill someone, I hurt so bad. It�s a good thing I�m nowhere near the Capitol.

And I just got a voice mail from my constantly-AWOL co-worker that she missed her flight out of LA last night and she will take the early flight this morning and get here as soon as she can.

Oh for the LOVE of PETE, goddammit, Christ in a FUCKING SIDECAR, this woman misses EVERY SINGLE RETURN FLIGHT FROM LA!! I have never, never missed a flight in my life, even when my connecting flight landed so late I had to sprint from one end of the terminal to the other, even in Atlanta, for crying out loud!

If I get another call from her saying that she�s too tired to come in, I WILL HUNT HER DOWN AND KILL HER. And I have called my constantly-AWOL BOSS and told her the same thing. Once either one of those twits come in, my tail is OUT THE FUCKING DOOR.



before o after

I suppose �odiferous pinecones� doesn�t have a good ring to it - Monday, Oct. 31, 2011
Click below to find out what he called me - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Yeah, he really did call me that - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Click below to go nowhere either fast or slowly; your choice - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010
HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE! - Friday, Mar. 05, 2010

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