Mmm -- crunchy
Monday, Jan. 16, 2006 at 9:29 a.m.

Need to vent a moment about my coworkers:

For the love of Mike, grow up, get it together, and become an adult. You�re driving me insane, and if I had had anything to say about it, I would have fired you a long time ago. I know that your circumstances are difficult, but now you are on your 364th chance. And you, Miss Manager, get it together yourself. I�m tired of having to field the problems that you yourself create. You�ve been working here for ten years but I nor anyone else knows what the hell it is you do. But being my manager should preclude that you know how to do my job, but inexplicably, you don�t. You�ve had a tough year, too, but see the first sentence of this paragraph as well. And now both of you are in a tizzy because I�m going to be out on unpaid leave for about 6 weeks and there�s no one to replace me? Guess what? Not My Problem.

Ah, thank you so much! *breathes a deep cleansing breath*

Happy Monday to you, too. The weekend was fairly low-key, even with the visit to the IL�s house. MIL gave me some knitting tips and we talked at length about their property up north and how the construction planning is going. I know that they have a timeline, but I�m looking at the two of them in their mid-70�s and wondering why they didn�t start on this project about 10 years ago. Ah, well. Part of the timeline involves Miss Joyce leaving the mortal coil, and the dear lady is 99 and will probably outlive us all at the rate she�s going. Unfortunately, Miss Joyce is currently believing that there�s a waterfall outside her window and that the home staff are feeding her baby birds. She lives in Tucson and waterfalls are fairly scarce there. However, we can�t confirm that the staff isn�t feeding her baby birds.

The ILs are in a mode of cleaning out the house and dispersing their excess stuff to the kids. We came home yesterday with 3 brass rubbings from Westminster Abbey which are totally the bomb and I can�t wait to get them framed properly to display along with my other Celtic and religious art. Which I have hanging next to the Hubster�s outer space art. It works somehow, though. Go figure.

We also came home with a bunch of vintage Mad magazines, comic books, and cartoon compilation books. I am so stoked about going through all that. Hubster was not too stoked about it, though, but I keep telling him it�s something to keep me occupied while I�m convalescing. The ILs were completely overjoyed with my willingness to take stuff and they offered me their record collection, at which point Hubster loaded me into the car and shut the door before I could answer.

Moving on.

Well, now. Can hissandtell provide me with an explanation to this picture, beyond what it obviously looks like??

The only reason I�m picking on Lady Hiss is that the landscape look very Australian to me. It could be in New Mexico, though. I don�t know. I don�t know where this is, either, but the creator really had some anger to work through:

Perhaps poor Charlotte has a glandular problem, did you ever think about that? No, any excess hair on a woman is freaky and wrong, yet, somehow, this is acceptable:

Ew, ew, ew. Not for me, no thanks. I�ve even threatened Hubster with painful waxing if his chest hair continues to migrate toward his back like it has been doing. Oh well, maybe by that time he�ll look like this:

And really, the only battle I�ll be willing to get into at that point is the cigar smoking.


before o after

I suppose �odiferous pinecones� doesn�t have a good ring to it - Monday, Oct. 31, 2011
Click below to find out what he called me - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Yeah, he really did call me that - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Click below to go nowhere either fast or slowly; your choice - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010
HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE! - Friday, Mar. 05, 2010

before o after

The AntiCraft!
A Witty Kitty
Chaos Daily
Erianne�s Insanity
Miss Hiss and Tell
I Miss My Sanity
Kung Fu Kitten
Mom on Roof
Poolagirl�s Tales of the HMS Pie-Rat
PyroGuy, Sr.
The Running Man
SMarieK Knits
Smash the Gas
The Daily WTF
12% BEER (and Monkey Love)
Yeah I�m a Dork

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