Why DO I hate "freedom" so much??
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 8:36 a.m.

I left out a couple of things yesterday regarding Hell�s Highway:

1. The Highway Safety Patrol was instrumental in the passing of mandatory seat belt laws. If this effort wasn�t conducted single-handedly by this group, it was pret�damn near.
2. A clip from an anti-marijuana film was shown, and the clip starred none other than theSonny Bono, who was attempting to �neither extol or condemn the use of marijuana�. Meanwhile, he looked like he was completely strung-out on goofballs.

Anyway. The Hubster and I are now enjoying episodes of the anime series Outlaw Star, which so far has all the action of Cowboy Bebop and all the silliness of Ranma. This should be fun. Hubster has also approved my temporary upgraded of the Blockbuster.com account from 3 movies/unlimited to 5 movies/unlimited for the duration of my convalescence, which could last up to two months. Two months of me sitting, knitting, watching bad movies. Oooooohhh HEAVEN. Of course, about halfway through that, my �rents are coming out here for a week or so, specifically to drive me and the Hubster absolutely batshit under the guise of helping out. SIGH. I should have listened to my instincts and not told them until after the fact, but that still wouldn�t stop them � they�d come out for an even longer time to punish me. Truthfully, though, they�re coming out at a time when I really could use their help. I probably won�t be in shape to drive, and I�ll be at the 4-week mark for visiting my pulmonologist, whose office is the fuck-way out fuckin� butt-fucked Egypt. But that�s the sacrifice I make for having a really really good pulmonologist. Also, regarding my parents, at about the 4-week mark I know I�m going to be attempting to do too much because I�ll be feeling a little better and I�ll also be in the total and absolute throes of Cabin Fever. Their other purpose is to keep me from doing dumb things like washing the garage.

I also think that my mother thinks that Hubster doesn�t care for her. Which is actually true. They drive him batshit in such a way that I, over the period of about 35 years, have learned to ignore. The Bubba and I discuss this in our holiday phone calls. Speaking of Bubba, the SIL of the leaky brain will be probably having surgery about the same time as me so the �rents are just going to lose it altogether, I think. Who am I kidding? They lost it about 27 years ago. I�m not saying that Bubba and I were rotten kids or anything, but the �rents put so much damn energy into the raising of their children (which I think they did a good job on) that we learned how to be good independent citizens so their job is pretty much over. Now they don�t know what the hell to do with themselves, because I think they forgot who that other person is.

Well, enough of Dr. Phil. How about some Bush-Bashing?

A couple of these I found as a response to our unPresident doing a little more than what is acceptable in the listening in and reading our mail (like that was anything new) in the name of �Freedom�:

Honestly, though, I don�t know enough about Hitler to figure out whether this is really an accurate analogy. I mean, yes, I know Hitler was an utter genocidal maniac and the living anti-Christ and an all-around freak against the laws of God and man, but I really thought he was more intelligent than, say, a banana slug. And now I�m insulting banana slugs, for Chrissakes.

I am so getting hauled in by the CIA and the FBI and whatever other acronym Bush and his cronies have for people �who hate freedom� like I do. I hope I can at least write you guys from Guatanamo Bay or wherever I end up.

Really, though, this picture, I think, is a more accurate depiction of what�s really going on there in the West Wing:

�Are you thinking what I�m thinking, Pinky?�

�I think so, Brain, but if they called them Sad Meals, none of the kids would eat them.�


before o after

I suppose �odiferous pinecones� doesn�t have a good ring to it - Monday, Oct. 31, 2011
Click below to find out what he called me - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Yeah, he really did call me that - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Click below to go nowhere either fast or slowly; your choice - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010
HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE! - Friday, Mar. 05, 2010

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