America -- TODAY!!
Wednesday, Jun. 15, 2005 at 7:32 a.m.

So Cynthia, my co-worker, gave birth to a lovely baby boy. This, however, was a surprise since all the doctors and ultrasounds indicated that she was having a girl. I guess he was shy and didn't want to show off his winkle. Mother and baby are doing fine. However, everyone is asking me the big question - Is Cynthia going to continue with the placement of the baby? She had gone through all of the procedures to place the baby with a family, but that was when everyone thought it was a girl. And Cynthia has 72 hours from birth to make a final decision anyway. I personally think she won't place the baby, mostly because people are funny about baby boys. This is my personal arrogant opinion, so don't get your hackles up. I really think her boyfriend will talk her out of the adoption process so that he can keep "his boy". Like I said, though, my opinion. No matter what she decides to do, it will be the right decision. It will be the right decision for different reasons, but the right one nonetheless.

So Gary and I watched one of the most hysterical movies ever - and probably one of the silliest - "Team America: World Police". We cackled insanely through the entire thing, and I was truly impressed with the production. Puppets, yes, but well-articulated puppets in some fantastic scenery. And how can you not enjoy puppet sex?? Hot and steamy puppet sex?? WOW! And now we're wandering around the house singing the theme song . . . well, what there is for a theme song. Basically, we're simply going "America -- FUCK YEAH!" over and over. I think I'm going to have to buy that movie to add to my "play while doing over things" collection. I like to have background noise that I can occasionally tune in to while puttering around the house. The MST3K is good for that too. I have lots of the tapes with 3 movies each on them, which provides me with 5 hours of entertainment. Great for recuperation in my mind, although Gary wonders about the healing capacity of really really bad movies. I try to tell him it's all about the biting commentary, that's what makes it watchable. Ah well, he has his escape mechanisms, I have mine.

Gary, the glorious man that he is, has booked us on a cruise to Catalina and Mexico! What a guy! He's really into taking vacations, which I'm not in particular. Well, I love vacations, but I never seem to plan them for myself. Mostly because I've never really had the disposable income to do so, and vacations in my past have always involved the 'rents or family in some way. Once I took a holiday on my own to San Luis Obispo, but I had absolutely no money, so I took all the food I had in pantry, holed up in the timeshare, and really only ventured out to hit the nude beach. And to visit the Hearst Castle. You have to see that exercise in architectural masturbation at least once! And I only saw a fraction of the thing. I took a bunch of photos, and one was of a 15th century tapestry that was hanging in the billiard room. I showed the pictures to my friends afterwards, and my friend Frank, who is from Germany, exclaimed, "THAT'S where that tapestry is??" Apparently it is "missing" from an Austrian or German collection. Hmmmm.

So I'm here alone again through the rest of the week. And I'm hungry again, dammit. It's getting harder to fight these hunger pangs all the time. But I can't give into them, because I know it's just the steroids talking. I need to eat, and I do, but it's hard when I keep thinking I need MORE MORE MORE. Keep me strong, Lord. I think I'll look up a patron saint. My mom has sent me the St. Blase medal -- he's the patron saint of throat diseases I suppose, I'm not sure (I'm a cradle Catholic. I know nothing) but I always remember getting my throat blessed with crossed candles on St. Blase day. Unlit candles, thank you. Want to get into some goofy rituals? Become Catholic. However, you have to put up with lots of people asking you about why all priests are pedophiles (which they're not, a handful are, which is VERY VERY VERY WRONG AND BAD) but of course there's NO evidence of such wrongdoing in any other religion. Sigh. I didn't want to get into that today, thanks. Yet many of the same people who lambast the Catholic church for the sins and crimes of several very very very evil priests are the same people who let their young boys sleep in Michael Jackson's bed, because he's a CELEBRITY. Why should that make a difference? I wouldn't let a child of mine sleep overnight with the guy from the QuikTrip, why would I let him stay with a celebrity? They're both still complete strangers.

Anyhoo. I've seen some pictures of Michael Jackson's rabid fans and they frighten me. Possibly even more than the gloved one himself. After all, who is the greater fool, the fool or the fool that follows him?


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I suppose �odiferous pinecones� doesn�t have a good ring to it - Monday, Oct. 31, 2011
Click below to find out what he called me - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Yeah, he really did call me that - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Click below to go nowhere either fast or slowly; your choice - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010
HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE! - Friday, Mar. 05, 2010

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