Meet me at the waterfront, after the social
2005-05-07 at 4:11 p.m.

Gary and I watched "Inseminoid" last night, so now I've seen that cinematic gem 1 1/2 times. Lovely! The only way the both of us survived was running an MST3K patter under the whole thing. And Gary admitted that the nudity wasn't too much for him to write home about. Sheesh. The big EEEWWWW factor was watching Sandy give birth to two little baby Ackbar the dildo Daleks. How cute! And they ripped out the throat of their babysitter.

I'm at work today and listening to the commentary of another cinematic gem "Sleepaway Camp". Actually, this one isn't too bad. It's not the gore splatterfest I was led to believe, which is fine with me. Some of the scenes are laughable by today's jaded standards, but I'm pleased there's a commentary on here. I love movie commentaries. I love hearing all the background stories of how the film was made and the funny anecdotes from the director or actors. Some are bad, like the commentary of "Myra Breckinridge", which is basically Raquel Welch whinging about how this film ruined her career. Talk about bitter.

So anyhoo, I called up the pulmonologist's office on Friday to check the status of my PET scan. It turns out they did get the films back already, so I started asking them about my follow up appointment. The recept says I can't get an appointment until June! I explained to her that Dr. Dishner wanted me to call and tell them that he wanted to see me as soon as the films came back, basically immediately if not sooner. She got chilly and said that he's at the PHX office for the next two weeks. I asked if I could see him at the PHX office and she said no, that's just for PHX patients! And then she goes off about how the doctors don't pay attention to what she's doing up in the front office, how they say all kinds of things but don't really know what's going on, blah blah blah. I finally had to ask if there was ANY way I could leave a message for him (he also wasn't in the office Friday either) and she finally relented. then she tells me I have to come and pick up my films from their office because they don't hold on to films there. They'll send them back to where I had the films done, basically copping a 'tude at me. I asked if they would at least hold on to them long enough for Dr. Dishner to LOOK at them, which apparently didn't fit in her scope, but she finally said okay . . .

So basically it wasn't a good convo with this chicklet at all. I can understand people always yelling at you on the phone, you get down, but I wasn't giving her grief at all other than being insistent on what Dr. Dishner had told me, but you know how that goes sometimes.

But then at 7:30 this morning, Dr. Dishner calls me at home! He had oral surgery on Friday, that's why he wasn't in the office. He tells me that I must call the PHX office (he gave me the phone number) and tell the recept that I MUST see him Monday afternoon. The PHX office is way the hell in BFE, but it's at least closer when I go from work.

Of course, there's the whole fear factor of that he calls me AT HOME, AT 7:30 IN THE MORNING (although I'm almost always up at that hour -- normally I'm up at 5:30) to INSIST that I get an appointment with him ASAP. On one hand, though, he was like that when I went to see him the first time. Basically we're looking at a completely normal xray in 2004 to a completely abnormal one in 2005. He wants to figure out what's up, even if it is Valley Fever. Valley Fever can be deadly. I don't know much about it other than it exhibits flu and mono-like symptoms, it depresses the immune system, and it's caused a fungus that proliferates in the soil around here. We have dust storms of the like that are only seem here and in the Sudan, coupled with the fact that construction here is constant -- there's a lot of dust flying around. And it seeps in everywhere. Valley Fever seems to scar lung tissue, which could explain the "fullness" in my lung, and there's always a resulting infection, which could explain the "fullness" in my chest lymph nodes. Or, well, it could be something else. I guess I find out more Monday. Dr. Dishner didn't make any noise like he had seen the scans, or if he did, he didn't make any noise about what was on them. He didn't insist that Gary come with, so I will go on the assumption that everything's okey-dokey.

I have one hour and 45 minutes to go in this shift. With any luck, Paul won't come over here to chat my ear off. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but I will get enough of that from April when she comes in at 8, and she'll be REEKING of cigarettes. I'll be able to smell her about 10 feet down the hall. And she stands in my cube doorway, effectively cutting off my escape route. Maybe I should dig a tunnel under the cube with this plastic spoon I ate my dinner with. Swedish meatballs on noodles, a frozen entree where I'm sure the box tasted better. Blech!!! However, without a DOUBT it SMELLS better than April will when she gets here! And I thought Clare had the corner market in stinkiness, I mean, that girl would not shower and she'd FART all the time in the office she SHARED with Jeff, for cryin out loud!!!

Clare was REALLY scared of bugs, though, and we have these huge ass carpenter bees out here, and occasionally I'd find them dead in the paint shop. Once I found one, and I got a print of Clare's picture from Ed (we took pics for badges once) and I cut out her face and pinned it to the bug. Then I slipped it on her desk and waited for the screaming to start. She never did find out it was me; she blamed Geoff! Clare threw it out into the parking lot. Later I retrieved it and put it on her shelf where her rock collection was, where she didn't find it until weeks later when she had to move offices. Ha ha ha !!!! Man, we all disliked her.

Wow, long entry. I bet Gary went to Tott's and got Chinese tonight. Dammit, I want Chinese food and he always gets it when he's on his own for dinner, and then he doesn't want it other times. Then I have to subject myself to Mexican food. You'd think I'd be more tolerant of Mexican food, considering where I live, but I don't care for it all that much. If I'm at Gecko Grill, it's the crabby burro because it's different and I love the cream sauce they put in there. Anywhere else, well, I go for the deepfried beef burro with sourcream, no guac or salsa. However, now if it's Macayo's mmmmm Chicken Pablano mmmmmmmmmmmm... I like it, obvious huh? Spicy though! It's funny to go to Macayo's with the in-laws because nearly EVERYONE at the table orders the pablano. Makes it easy for the kitchen!

How much more time can I burn on this diary entry?

Let me give you an example of how my brain works. It amuses the hell out of Gary (or annoys him, sometimes I can't tell). We're at lunch, and I say, "I wonder why 'Twilight Zone the Movie' isn't available at" He doesn't know, but then asks me why I wonder. Here's my answer:

"So right now the song that's playing is 'We're Not Gonna Take It' by Twisted Sister (it was 80's hair group hour at the grill, I don't know). In the video, the guy who played Niedermeyer in 'Animal House' plays a similar character, screaming 'A Twisted Sister pin?? On your uniform??!!??' At the end of 'Animal House' it's said that Niedermeyer was killed by his own troops in Vietnam. Now 'Animal House' was directed by John Carpenter, and he also directed 'Twilight Zone' at least the first story that took Vic Morrow through history and through the Vietnam war. In that section of the movie, supposedly Niedermeyer is in it and he gets killed by his own troops, but I can't remember. I'd like to see 'Twilight Zone' again to see if that's true, and to see the Walter Paisley character from 'Bucket of Blood' that I saw last weekend."

All this in about a nanosecond, in my brain. Gary's terrified.


before o after

I suppose �odiferous pinecones� doesn�t have a good ring to it - Monday, Oct. 31, 2011
Click below to find out what he called me - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Yeah, he really did call me that - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Click below to go nowhere either fast or slowly; your choice - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010
HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE! - Friday, Mar. 05, 2010

before o after

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A Witty Kitty
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Erianne�s Insanity
Miss Hiss and Tell
I Miss My Sanity
Kung Fu Kitten
Mom on Roof
Poolagirl�s Tales of the HMS Pie-Rat
PyroGuy, Sr.
The Running Man
SMarieK Knits
Smash the Gas
The Daily WTF
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Yeah I�m a Dork

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