Someone left my arthritis out in the rain
2004-12-06 at 7:32 a.m.

Today it is actually raining in Phoenix. It has been raining all weekend. Which means it's snowing in Flagstaff, which may mean that the water table will be improved next summer. Of course, some people are bitching about the weather, because it's cold and rainy and altogether depressing. I don't find the weather depressing. I'm depressed that I have to be at work with this kind of weather. Days like this should be spent in a recliner with an afghan, a book, and a pot of cocoa. And maybe a couple of cats on my lap, too. It was pure hell getting up today. I have arthritis, and the weather wasn't helping with that. And the painkiller isn't killing jack shit. I'm only 33 years old and I have osteoarthritis. Crap. I am getting old. Our friends came over yesterday and brought their two kids. Kevin and Allison are fine kids, young and rambunctious as they should be. They're 4 and 5, for heaven's sake. They have the attention span of about 23 seconds, and they wore me out. I like kids, but I have no intention of ever giving birth to one. If I hurt and am stiff all the time, I can't play properly with a child. That's not fair for the kid, you know?

I guess I feel the need to JUSTIFY myself to the whole freaking world. Like I'm freakish for not wanting to propagate the species.

Ehh, enough of that.

Hubby put the Christmas tree up yesterday. It looks really good. The ornaments are very balanced :^) He's such an engineer. I love him.

Yesterday I went to Mass and the Gospel was John the Baptist going "REPENT!" and it made me think of the ultrachristians who are all about forgiveness for their own sins and being miserable with the flames of hellfire forever licking your ass. Repenting is about not looking at your past, to get beyond it and move toward the future with a promise to do better. Like learning from your mistakes. Why do so many people keep looking at the damned closed door when a window opened right next to them?

Back to the trained monkey job. Yay! Now the phone calls from those hospitals go to the boys the next row over! Small victories!


before o after

I suppose �odiferous pinecones� doesn�t have a good ring to it - Monday, Oct. 31, 2011
Click below to find out what he called me - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Yeah, he really did call me that - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Click below to go nowhere either fast or slowly; your choice - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010
HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE! - Friday, Mar. 05, 2010

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