You've got to run . . . and get some lunch
Friday, Apr. 07, 2006 at 9:48 a.m.

Happy Friday!

I remembered some other movies I have seen recently.

Crash: Wow. Excellent film. Very deserving of its accolades. The question has been raised whether the category �Best Ensemble Performance� will be added to the Oscars�, like that program needs to be any longer. But this movie is a wonderful example of that trend in movies. I was really touched and amused by the kid who kept a dashboard Jesus with him, even when he was jacking a car. What I never understood about the dashboard Jesus is that instead of having Jesus watch the road for us, we have Him watching us drive. Anyway, wonderful wonderful movie. Hubster�s review: �Yeah, I know it�s supposed to be really good, but I�m gonna go play Diablo."

Walk the Line: Well, it was good and it was completely what I expected: a very episodic biography with overtones of VH-1�s Behind the Music. But I loved Reese Witherspoon and all her costumes. Joaquin Phoenix is a very good actor but I suspect that he�s definitely of the method acting movement, which must make him very difficult to live with. When I was an actor, I used a sort of �emotional visualization� method which basically meant that I was pretending to be whoever I was . . . umm . . . pretending to be. That�s what �acting� is about, isn�t it? Hubster�s review: �Yes, I�m still playing Diablo. Scram.�

Final Justice: What I was expecting was the movie with Joe Don Baker as a small-town Texas sheriff who gets mixed up with an Italian mass murderer/mob guy and gallivants his bulging gut around Malta. What I got was a movie called Final Justice, but this was a �thriller� with James Brolin resplendent in Grecian Formula. James Brolin and his pregnant wife visit their gorgeous mountain/lakeside cabin and meet up with some friends a la The Big Chill except their party is upset by a couple of Deliverance-style redneck rapist-murderers, a la Lenny and George. Lenny is shot early in the movie and they hide out in the cabin, however, George ostensibly seeks help by wandering all over the countryside (shown with endless shots of George running hither and yon. Like 30 minutes worth of footage). Anyhoo, Lenny ends up dying and George wreaks havoc on the household that could have very easily overpowered him at any moment. Eventually, the group does get George hogtied and then James Brolin, a defense attorney, snaps and tries to get the rest of the group to snuff George, as any defense attorney knows, George will eventually be released if he�s even convicted. George is played by the guy who wrote and directed this movie, so that�s why he has the best lines. I�d rather�ve watched Joe Don Baker. Hubster�s review: �Look, I don�t care whether it�s the right or wrong Final Justice, would you mind watching your awful movies by yourself?�

I make Hubster sound so terrible. But he�s not into movies as much as me. Unless there�s naked boobies involved.

Ah yes, rednecks. What is it about rednecks and moving day?

I mean, surely one of you has a damn pickup.

Anyway, here�s a disturbing image:

So a little kid is masturbating while riding a surfboard through a cemetery. I�d like to see the rest of this coloring book. I�m afraid that it will actually get circulated, some kid will get a hold of it, color all the pages, and then this may occur at a campground near you:

Is that campground near here, do you think?



before o after

I suppose �odiferous pinecones� doesn�t have a good ring to it - Monday, Oct. 31, 2011
Click below to find out what he called me - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Yeah, he really did call me that - Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2010
Click below to go nowhere either fast or slowly; your choice - Monday, Mar. 08, 2010
HELLLLLLLLLLO NURSE! - Friday, Mar. 05, 2010

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